Support Measures
The activities of this group are aiming to support the main artistic activities with information and other measures that will increase the reach and the impact of the project results and will enhance the common sense of European belonging through the use of the myths. On the contrary of other activities, those are going to develop resources that can be accessed also outside the theatre environment, fact which will increase the impact and set the basis for the sustainability of the project results.
Development of Online Portal and Online Game
The online portal is going to be used in order to ensure the wider dissemination, impact and sustainability of the project results. It will gather all the results of the project (including the scenario, video registrations of the theatre performances, training material etc) and will be functioning as a general portal which identifies, gathers and promotes mythological elements related with the European mythology of creation focusing on common elements across Europe. It is intended that this online portal will be a platform that will help the development of a sense of belonging in a common European space through mythology. The portal will extend also the scope of the project in order to include also myths from other people, especially countries that are neighbouring Europe (Egypt, Syria). A specific focus on this extension will be given to myths from countries of origin of newly arrived refugees in order to be able to involve also these populations in the sense of the common European belonging. The project will aim for the social inclusion by the organisation of meetings and interviews with refugees in order to enrich the content of the website.
The website will include also an interactive game that could be used as an educational material aiming to promote the shared mythological cultural heritage of the partner countries. This virtual game aimed both to children and to adults will aim to include the heroes of great birth in their own national mythical setting. Therefore, there will be a screen with different choices corresponding to the mythical settings of each country. The audience will be able to select heroes through a hero library and match the hero with each setting judging from the costume, the appearance etc. If the user makes a mistake, the hero is not entering inside the setting. In case of a correct choice, the hero takes his place in the screen and the game continues.
The game can be played by individual users, can be presented through tablets in the theaters of the partners but it can also be presented as an activity for schools in the framework of the project ensuring the project’s sustainability.
Development of Publication / booklet
The project is going to develop a publication / booklet presenting the myths of the creation of all the participating countries with a specific emphasis on the common elements that exist between the mythological traditions of all the people. The publication is going to be offered in the partners’ theatres together with the performance, delivered in schools etc. They are going to be available in all the partners’ languages.