Presentation of the performances
60 theatre performances are going to be organized (in total) in the different partner countries. The performances are going to be organized in the theaters of the partner organisations. The directors of all the partners are going to visit each partners’ country in the period of the staging of the performance in order to see it, take inspiration and provide feedback. Specific effort is going to be made in order to gain access to hard to reach audiences such as immigrants or people from low socio-economic background that usually do not attend theater performances.
Parallel Supportive Artistic Activities
Together with the theatrical performance, the partnership is going to develop artistic activities that are going to be developed in parallel and in a supportive way to the theatrical performances. Several artistic activities are going to be organized. Not all partners are going to implement the same artistic activities. Different supportive activities are going to be organized in each context but each partner will inform and document the way it has organised the supportive activity of their choice. The proposed support activities are the following:
1/ Costume Exhibition with costumes from the performances that are going to be exhibited before the performance on specific mannequins where the audience (children and adults) are going to be able to see and enjoy before the performance. As far as the costumes that are going to be wore by the artists of the performance, the dressing procedure is going to be made- in specific performances- in a special introductive action. In the framework of this action, while the audience is waiting looking at the exhibition, the artists are going to enter in the room in a ritual way accompanied by music and will take the costumes off the mannequins, they will wear them and after they are going to invite the audience in the central scene of the theatre where they will begin the performance. In this way, the mythical motives of the creation of the world is going to be introduced by an action of the creation of the world of the performance/ theatre/ scenery event. The audience will not just see a performance like all the others but it will participate actively in a ritual.
2/ Parallel open artistic creations. The partners that will select this parallel action are going to invite artists to create pieces of art (drawings, sculptures, collage, photos, happenings, video art and much more) inspired by the performances of the partners, the exhibitions, the workshops and the other project activities.
3/ Workshops. Workshops are going to be organized for the public that is going to be interested focusing on common elements of the mythological intangible cultural heritage of the partner countries. These workshops can include: a) Mask Creation b) Costumes c) Acting (with the emphasis on the mythological theatre).
4/ Carnival Party for children. Carnival party for children with the theme of the Great Birth in the spaces of the theatres of the participating organisations.
5/ Food Festival on the basis of foods inspired by the mythological settings of all the partner countries.